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Shopping Centre Security

As Swat Group Security, we aim to provide high quality private security services by analysing the needs of shopping malls, which have become popular places today, for facility security and meeting the security needs of shopping malls while adapting the private security service points, which are the first point of contact of customers in shopping malls, to the image of shopping malls. As Swat Group Security, which combines visitor satisfaction with shopping centre security, we offer specially designed security solutions for shopping centres.

Security solutions suitable for your shopping centre image

Our main focus in our private security solutions is to plan our private security services in accordance with your shopping centre image with our superior service understanding and gold standards, facility security and customer satisfaction.

Swat Group Security, by determining the threats and risks that may arise in your shopping malls in advance and determining the risk score (score) of your facility with a security risk report prepared specifically for you, we design security solutions specific to your shopping mall by planning special security points, patrol routes, personnel shifts and special security technologies to be used in your shopping mall in line with your priority requests.

• We aim to provide services in accordance with your shopping centre image in our private security services.

• In order to adapt our information-oriented company policy to new risks and conditions, our employees in your shopping centre report the incidents that occur daily, weekly and monthly to our operation centre and we update the protection plans when necessary to eliminate new threats.
• By combining manned security service with advanced special security technologies in your shopping centres, we ensure that your shopping centre, brand and employees are safe 24/7.
• We aim to add value to your shopping centres with our ethical policy, values and sustainability principles.

Enjoy the pleasure of receiving superior service with our gold standards in private security services…